Read Book Alien Protector
Now you can Read Alien Protector with detailed description:The Cillidan Artifacts have long been considered to be treasures by the inhabitants of the planet Aldara. Of course, it doesn't help that they were scattered across the galaxy, buried in rubble and otherwise hidden from them, hundreds of years before any of them were born. When Plintos becomes king of the Leothian, he vows that he will reunite the Artifacts for the good of the people, to give them something to hope for, and he sends Draco, one of his best and most trusted friends to look for them. Draco finds two of the three Artifacts with little trouble, but the third is nowhere to be found. When a feed from Earth shows that something resembling the last item has been discovered on the far away planet, Draco is sent there to see what can be done to recover it. There he meets Stephanie, a brilliant young intern at the museum where the artifact is being kept. If anyone should understand the importance of the find, it's her, but can he convince her that she should help him get the artifact back to where it belongs? And even if he can, can he bring himself to leave her once the finds himself falling for her mind as well as the rest? Unfortunately, the choice may be taken from him when the real reason for Plintos’ almost frantic need for all three Artifacts to be together rears its ugly head.
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